The PHOSPORE spring school on porous hybrid materials is organized by a consortium of Belgian research groups collaborating in the EOS project ‘Mastering metal-PHOSphonate properties in PORE-size engineered catalysts for bio-refinery processes’.

During this three-day event, all the involved researchers will present their work, and a selection of 10 internationally recognized experts in catalysis, biorefinery processes, and advanced characterization techniques will present tutorial lectures. The event is aimed at PhD researchers and postdoctoral fellows with a broad interest in synthesis-structure-property relations in complex (catalytic) materials systems, bringing together scientists specializing in metal-phosphonate and MOF chemistry, heterogeneous acid catalysis and the analysis of pore-size engineered structures. The spring school also offers participants a platform to reach out to this interdisciplinary community during a flash presentation session and to discuss the latest advancements in high-end characterization techniques such as solid-state NMR, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, electron microscopy and chemometrics with experts in the field. The spring school program will also include informal networking opportunities in the form of a social activity and a dinner.

We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels at the ‘Hoek 38 venue’ to have a fruitful and enriching experience!

Organizing Committee:
- prof. Sophie Hermans (UCLouvain)
- prof. Vera Meynen (UAntwerpen)
- prof. Rob Ameloot (KULeuven)
- prof. Tom Hauffman (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- prof. Wouter Marchal (Universiteit Hasselt)
- prof. Frederik Thielens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- prof. Carmela Aprile (Université de Namur)
- prof. Peter Adriaensens (Universiteit Hasselt)
- Dr. Luca Fusaro (Université de Namur).

Detailed program view here

Abstracts of the tutorial lectures available

DISCLAIMER: cancellation is free of charge (except for 5 EUR service fee) until March 23, 2024. After this deadline, refunding is not possible.

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Sunday: VUB Building I, room I0.02 Elsene
Monday & Tuesday: Hoek 38, Leuvenseweg 38, Brussels
Rue de Louvain 38, Bruxelles

When does the event happen?
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34 currently available

80,00 €

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